Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"How to Have an Affair With an Unavailable Man"

I feel as though I owe my readers an explanation before they plunge into, what is undoubtedly, my most controversial piece of writing to date.

I can't even tell you how I came up with the concept, except that I had just finished watching "He's Just Not That Into You," and I was busy writing another story in which a young woman had been carrying on a torrid love affair with one of her best friends for years ("Birthday Sex," coming soon to The Escritoire!). Suddenly, in the middle of writing it, I just had to stop and type out a manual for how to have an affair with an unavailable man. That was the working title, and the longer I worked with it, the more I liked it.

Please rest assured that I am happily married. I have not had, and do not ever plan to have, an affair on my husband. I looked to friends, cheesy movies, and my own imagination for the sources used in this story.

PLEASE BE WARNED, AND DO NOT COME BACK TO YELL AT ME BECAUSE I HAVE WARNED YOU: The contents of this work are highly offensive.

Due to the format in which I have written this manual, it does have to be viewed as a PDF document. From this point forward, all stories past and present will be in PDF form for copyright purposes. You can view the embedded or full screen (recommended) versions below, or download it for free. Also, this story does contain footnotes that are meant to be read as you come across them. Otherwise, they won't make sense.

How to Have an Affair with An Unavailable Man